Ever feel defeated, let down, disappointed?
Last night I felt that.
I got a call from my caseworker and I was told that the IP's don't want to wait for me to lose the weight, the last 15lbs {I have lost 15lbs so far and have done that in a month}. They want to move things along since they are an older couple and want to get things moving. They have been looking for a long time and really would love a family. I wish them nothing but the best in their journey. They loved our family and we loved theirs and I hold no judgement towards them at all. I just feel disappointed in myself. I know that I am doing the best I can, I just wish I could have done more.
So for now, I am just going to work on my weight loss and hopefully be matched soon! My Caseworker said that my profile is excellent and I should have no problems matching quickly. This has been a whirlwind so far and I have only been with my agency for three months. My agency is amazing and I am so elated that I am working with them.
My new goal is to be at that goal weight by the middle to end of february. I am starting a new weight loss/clean eating program and am excited about the results.
Good luck to everyone that is on their journey <3
{updates wont stop ;) }